askpRoy, Hair Care, Review

askpRoy: Hair Loss & Pregnancy

I know you know a lot about hair…. I’m loosing my hair on the side I was wondering if you knew of any product I could use for this bald spot…
later added: I think it came out from stress… I just had a baby four months ago, too.

Click the jump for my response!

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My Response:
Oh no!  That’s not a good thing to happen and I am hoping we can get that hair to grow!

The first thought that comes to my mind is that your hair loss is linked to your postpartum state of being.  Estrogen levels are at a all time high during pregnancy and when linked with hair growth, it is noted that you will experience more growth and less shedding during this phase.  When your estrogen levels drop from having a child, your hair follicles go into a resting stage which will cause you to have a lot of shedding and it will seem to be excessive.  Do not worry, it is normal!

By the baby’s first birthday, you should have more growth and normalcy in your hair’s shedding/growth cycle.

I would suggest the use of Wild Growth Hair Oil (WGHO) as a product that will aid in the regrowth of your hair.  To regrow my hair that was breaking off in the middle area of my hair due to color damage (box color – self applied – high school days) I used this product at the recommendation of my hair dresser and experienced great results!  It doesn’t smell the best, but it will do its job so long as you are regular and consistent with the application.  You can purchase this product from Sally’s or your local beauty supply store for ~$10.

Lastly, make sure that you are not pulling your hair too tight around your edges as it can lead to traction alopecia.  Traction alopecia occurs when hair is pulled too tightly, mainly around the hairline edges of one’s hair, causing gradual hair loss in those areas.  Use best practices to handling hair around your edges.

In all that you do, don’t forget: You will need patience as well! I hope that helps!