
Why I Love Baby Wearing Wraps


Before Scout came into this world, I was convinced that baby wearing wraps were going to be my jam.  Fast forward to now, baby wearing has saved my life!

Okay, saved my life may be a drastic, but these baby wearing wraps have definitely helped me and Scout in a lot of ways.

Being Handsfree

My wraps have allowed for hands free action.  When she was little (I mean, she’s still little – just shy  of 3 months – but you know – newborn newborn), she needed literally all of my attention.  Though I didn’t mind holding my sweet baby, there were times when I needed to do other things like eat, do laundry, or even answer emails.  Wearing her allowed me to have her close without having to have her in my hands.

Less Equipment

When I have to run an errand or do some exploring around the city, Scout can come without me having to pack and/or use a stroller/carseat. FOR THE WINNNNNNNN!

Easier to Read Cues

Since I have Scout literally on my body, I can react to her more efficiently.  I know when she’s hungry, when she wants out, when she needs to be changed, etc.

Family outings and tings 💜 #thesadsarins #normalizebreastfeeding

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Speaking of hungry, I exclusively breastfeed her and baby wearing makes it easy to feed her quickly without her being distracted (she’s in the discovery phase).

For Scout, it’s easy for her to explore the world around her from a different POV and she’s easily entertained by it rather than her focus being solely on me.  She also sleeps well while in the wrap (probably from the movement and closeness).


My Collection of Wraps

I have a few wraps in my possession mainly because I like variety, but also because of functionality.


The first baby wearing wrap I got was the Boba wrap (Target).  It’s a long piece of jersey fabric that you have to learn how to tie around your body.  The challenging part is how much fabric it is for my small stature, but the up-side is as the baby grows I won’t have to worry about purchasing another due to limited sizing.

Twinnin’ & brunchin’ with my favorite girl @scoutieoutiedopealicious 💜 #TheSadsarins #6weeks

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I went to a baby wearing class and was introduced to the ring sling.  I like this wrap because it’s the fastest one to adjust and wear (in my opinion) and I love the way it looks!  I keep it in the car so I’m never without it if I’m out!  I purchased this one from Amazon.  It’s lightweight in fabric (linen) so it’s great for hot weather.

Baby-Wearing-Wrap-AskpRoyWhile I was shopping on Amazon, I figured I’d purchase this papaya print Nüzzle wrap because –  $10! HAAAAA! What a damn steal.  Plus it’s a lighter weight fabric so it, too, is also great for hot weather.

The last baby carrier I have is by Ergo.  I haven’t worn it yet as Scout is too small for it, but I’ll give my opinions once I do.

What wraps or carriers are you using for your little ones?