Self Love Project

Day 19: Overwork is Overrated! [The Self Love Project]

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I can remember I time I used to come home and work on work that I didn’t finish for the day.  I would work so much that I would fail to plan time for myself.  Often times I felt so overworked that I would be completely exhausted, always complaining about what it was I had to do and when I had to do it and how I never had downtime for myself. 

Downtime for myself.  Time for myself.

That was the resounding request that I had but never made moves to actually achieve it.  That is, until one day where I said “work is work and should be done at work and when I am at home I need to be at home”.  I had to stop my mind from wandering back to work so that I could enjoy time with my loved ones or even time for myself.  Efficient people understand the power of downtime and use it to their advantage.  Overworked people are a liability – they can crash at anytime due to lack of rest and recuperation (I know this because I was one of those people).
Are there times when I get ideas for work?  Sure.  Are their times where I work on work?  Absolutely.  But guess what?  Today wasn’t one of those days…

Thank God for schedules and working within them.  Thank God for downtime.

I work efficiently with the time that I have designated for work.