Hair Care, Natural Hair, Tutorial, Uncategorized, Video

How to Refresh a Roller Set


In the last post, I made mention that I wanted to achieve second day hair with my roller set twist out.  Funny how life happens – I got second day hair without the curls (see above).  Luckily for me (and you) I documented how to refresh a roller set and it was quite easy.  In fact, it took me LESS THAN HALF the time it did to install the initial set – SCORE!

Before I went to bed that night, I gathered a few items: a moisturizer (use whatever you’d like), a light holding gel, my tangle teezer, spray bottle filled with water, and my perm rods.  First, I spritz ONLY THE TOP SECTION of my hair with water.  I used only enough water to make that section damp and not wet – there is a difference.  Do NOT over saturate your hair.  Next, I applied only a small amount of moisturizer to my hair, sectioned off a small section for twisting, detangled my hair with my Tangle Teezer, applied a small amount of gel and twisted my hair.  I then used the white perm rods to secure the curl.  That’s it.  The take down followed the same pictorial as below:

A video posted by pRoy (@askproy) on

This results? GORGEOUS!!!

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset IMG_3508

I also got a shared a few videos – two for Instagram and one for YouTube.  Check out the YouTube video below (it features both IG videos and deets on the style):

Cool, right?  If you missed the initial style you can check it out here.  I am still wearing this style and I will surely update you all on how it’s been holding up (so far no retwisting has been necessary)!

How do you refresh roller sets?