Fashion, hairstyle for natural hair, Motherhood, Natural Hair

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mamas out there!  Would you believe this is my FIRST Mother’s Day as a mama?

Huh? Wait – what?  You had the baby already?  Well yes.. yes I did.

I’ll have to do some back tracking to give y’all the update on my pregnancy/birth stories and all that is in between, but for now I’ll bask in the moment of being Scout’s mama!

My darling husband  surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, some breakfast from our favorite brunch spot (didn’t even have to DRIVE there), a card and framed picture from Scout’s birth.

He also told me to relax and take the day off, but any mama can tell you ain’t. no. days. off. bih.  Especially when you’re a nursing mom.

In the same breath that he used to tell me to relax, he asked me to get dressed to take Mother’s Day pictures in the park.  Relax or nah?  Mainly nah.  I got dressed because I really wanted to shoot some pictures with my baby girl, jumped in the car, and headed to the park.

Ya’ll do understand that this post is to mainly share those pictures, right?  Good!
AskpRoy and Scout AskpRoy and Scout AskpRoy and Scout AskpRoy and Scout

AskpRoy and Scout AskpRoy and Scout

While we’re here –
My Outfit: Shirt – Anthropologie | Pants – Gap | Sandals – Target
Scout’s Outfit: Dress – Osh Kosh | Headband – Cat & Jack for Target

My hair has also been cut very similar to this tapered cut for natural hair and the style is more like this twist out roller set.  The purple hair color can be found here.

After the shoot, I was able to relax.  We did some grocery shopping (I finally didn’t have to put up any groceries) and Hubby did the laundry, changed the diapers, and fed/walked the dogs.  Life was definitely good!

For my first Mother’s Day, I can definitely say I have the happy part down packed. 🙂

To all the Mamas out there, how as your Mother’s Day?

2 thoughts on “Happy Mother’s Day!

  1. Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl and happy belated Mother’s Day! She’s so cute!

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