
Money Tips – MINT.com

Since being on this financial freedom journey, I have tried to keep up with my records manually.  Epic fail… I’m just not organized enough nor do I have the will power and stick-to-itiveness to keep up with my finances… #lazy, I know.  I happened to stumble across a website that will manage your finances for you, send you alerts when your bills are due, keep track of what you’re spending your money on, and help you maintain your budgets by sending you alerts when your spending is getting reckless and out of control.

photo via mint.com

Through www.mint.com, I was able to set up my accounts, both banking and credit card, and fairly accurately gauge where I am financially.  It allows you to see your net worth, too! Best of all, it is completely free.  You must set up an account and from there, it is pretty easy to navigate.  I am mostly impressed by the way it breaks down my spending… down the category fast food!  How cool is that?  You can even set up financial budgets and goals, and mint.com will help you understand how much you will need to save in order to achieve them.  I even got my credit report through them (make sure you cancel any subscriptions it may try to lock you into after the free trial).  It is easily accessible from everywhere, which makes it easy for me to check on something should I have any questions.  Mint.com has an app for iPad and also works on mobile devices.

I’ve been using this site for a little over three years now and it has advanced for the better (not that it was bad before, but it has so many features now).  If you are interested in seeing how it works, check them out here.  Hope this helps someone like it did me!

3 thoughts on “Money Tips – MINT.com

  1. I have mint.com and it is hard to follow for me. But it will definitely tell you when you have spent too much in various areas…LOL.

  2. Initially, I was having a difficult time following it, but it was because I wasn’t checking on it regularly like I should have been. And girl, I know about the overspending in certain areas. Those emails have me -____- LOL!

  3. I love using Mint.com. They have it where you can add car loans, student loans, etc. now. It’s a great money tracker. It is tedious initially, but SO worth it in the long run!

    And I cut off the emails. LOL.

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