Inspiration, Thoughts, Travel

Paris – Day Three – The Scammers and The Eiffel Tower

This is random… but JET LAG is real.  Talk about only 3 hours of sleep! And let me tell you how that French coffee did NOT help at all (shouldn’t have gotten it for dinner).  It was like eating raw coffee beans as a snack.  My eyelids wouldn’t even shut to blink! Okay, back to the post I planned to share…

Day three started with a quick trip to “our” bakery.  Yes, we have taken ownership because you see, it is located directly under our window.  We listen to the people going in and out while enjoying their tasty delights.  We have to hear these people all times of night, too…

therefore, we have taken ownership since we have to live with the noise.  Anyhoo, we devoured some tasty treats and headed toward The Lourve.  Although we bypassed it for the tourist store (had to), we did decide to visit one of our highlights of the trip – The Eiffel Tower.  Instead of using the bus passes we went to the tourist store to get, we chose the more scenic route – that is, an hour walk through the city.

I guess we were spoiled by the empty streets yesterday because today was crowded.  On our journey, we were approached by some “kids” who wanted us to sign a “petition” for the blind and deaf.  Now, I’ve been to China… I’ve seen this before.  I wanted to take no parts in the scam.  I told the girl no… in English… huge mistake.  She realized I was American and started trying to force me into signing her “form” while speaking to me in English, in which she almost got the elbow and a two-hand push, but French 5-0 ran up on the scene and all the “kids” scattered like roaches. #luckyher  The further along we strolled, the more craziness we saw from a woman breast feeding in the middle of the sidewalk to a man trying to get a couple extra euro by broadcasting his deformities.  Even in the Eiffel Tower area there were more “kids”, more scams and even more pickpockets. #hideyokidshideyocash
Enjoying the City Life – Random Pics of Paris

Nonetheless, taking the scenic route to the Eiffel Tower was a treat in itself.  That side of the city is very quiet and prestige, making for a nice quiet walk through the town.  We saw the Ferris Wheel which was located in a mini carnival area, passed by Air France, and saw some real official cops that would shoot you at point blank range. It was pretty dope.  

After getting to the Eiffel Tower, we had to wait in excess of an hour to just get into the line that would take us to the floor to see the top of the tower… in which we waited another 45 minutes to see the top.  Once on the top, the view was breathtaking.  It had began to get extremely chilly, but we didn’t care.  We just wanted to be on top of the world with one another.  We kissed at the top, said our “I love yous” and waited another 25 minutes to get to the elevator the would take us to the other floor to catch the other elevator which was another 15 minutes.  We met two families from the States to fill our vacant time with laughs and stories – very entertaining.

A Kiss at the Top; The Tower from Below; Me Touching the Tower; Up Close and Personal – Eiffel Tower

Instead of doing all that walking again, we opted for the bus.  We have been very blessed to have random people walk up to us as we have attempted to practice our French and speak to us in full-fledged English.  A girl who was studying abroad from the States helped us get onto the right bus and we walked the rest of the way back to our hotel.  Paris is beautiful at night, and even though it was just getting dark, the city was well lit.  Stopped at our bakery again, indulged in its goodness, and came to the room to just rest and chill out.  Looking forward to the Chinese food we are going to get later tonight! #yum

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