Healthy Living, Natural Hair

Aloe Vera

I remember, when I was growing up, riding the bikes with the boys in the neighborhood.  These boys were infamous for disconnecting the brakes on their bicycles and pretty much playing “chicken” with any object in the bike’s riding path.  I was no exception to these events.  One day, I decided to play chicken with the tree.  Well… with no brakes, riding at full speed down the street, I was destined to hit something… hard.  Since I decided to jump off the bike at the last minute, I came out with a few battle wounds on my leg. 
One person that was not pleased with this was my grandmother (at the time she was living with us).  When I walked in the door with those scraps, scratches and bruises on my legs,

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she demanded that I go outside and pluck a leaf from the Aloe Vera plant my mom kept.  Everyday, my grandmother made me put Aloe Vera on my cuts.  I couldn’t understand why it was so important at the time, but looking back I am thankful that she knew about this natural remedy.  My savior from ugly legs, grandma helped me to get rid of my scars.

I use Aloe Vera regularly now.  Aloe Vera is a plant belongs to the lily family.  On the outside, it appears to be rough like a cactus, but inside it contains a smooth gel that can serve as the following things:
  • Preventing scarring and stretch marks
  • Help eliminate Eczema
  • Speed up hair growth by massaging aloe into the scalp, letting it sit for 30 minutes, and rinsing
  • Reduce hair dandruff by mixing Aloe Vera juice with coconut milk and wheat germ oil. Massage into scalp and rinse
  • Replace aloe with conditioner for silkier, smoother hair
  • Remove eye makeup (source)
According to this site, “Aloe Vera is a nutritional storehouse, its gel contains over 75 nutrients such as minerals, amino acids, and a number of vitamins including B12, enzymes and more.”
I use FOTE in my regimen.
photo via

I use Aloe Vera gel for my hair and skin.  It makes my hair very curly and conditions my strands thoroughly, but also provides a light hold.  I use it for sunburns and just because on my skin.  I really like it.  My parents drink a shot of Aloe a day for breakfast.  They thoroughly enjoy its benefits and have even encouraged me to do the same.  I tried it once… it tastes very flat.  Mixing it with some OJ or maybe in a smoothie might be the better approach, especially for me.

Are you going to try Aloe Vera juice/gel?  If so, how/why will you use it?

4 thoughts on “Aloe Vera

  1. I just bought some aloe vera juice the other day…I am going to use it in a homemade leave in conditioner. I found the recipe on youtube from a youtuber called kimmaytube. I don’t know if she still has the video up but there are plenty of other people who have used her receipe and absolutely love it. I thought about adding it to my daily diet because of the positive things I have read about it but I’m still a little nervous to do so. I’m always looking for a great eye and makeup remover so I may try it out for those issues as well. Thank for the post!

  2. I’ve actually used her leave-in. One of my line sisters made it for me and although my hair was soft, it wouldn’t hold a style. It may have been because it was very humid outside during that time… I will have to revisit it!

  3. Do you mix the gel with something when using it on ur hair? And for the scalp massages are you using the aloe vera juice and is that mixed with anything?

  4. Benaja, sometimes I do mix my aloe vera gel, but I use it independently as well. I mix when I am installing a style in my hair where I want to have more definition (i.e. twist out, braid out) or even when I do twists or braids and want a little curl at the ends (I use just a tad and twirl my hair around my finger to form a small curl).

    I use it independently when I am applying it my skin. I use it on my skin just as a softening and anti ash agent. Lol. You know those elbows look crazy sometimes…

    Also, on my hair, I use it to set my edges or add a little curl texture to my hair. Since it is water based, it is really good for setting your edges when you want a slight hold and is a non-flaky gel. Extra bonus: no alcohol.

    I have not personally used everything I listed above. I listed suggestions on what others have used it for. If you would like more information or reviews, you can visit that site listed above.

    Hope that helps.

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