
Happy Centennial Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.


My life changed forever on March 26, 2007.  Not only was it my birthday, but it was the day I was made into the Alpha Mu chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.  I am so proud to say that today, January 13, 2013, marks the 100th year my beloved Sorority has been serving the WORLD as well as local communities.  Words cannot express how excited I am to be apart of this history, this legacy and most importantly – this Sorority!

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100 Years.
Imagine being in existence for that long.  What would you have to show for in those years?  What type of legacy would you leave behind?  Would you be able to even make it to see 100?
It’s monumental and an accomplishment in itself to say, “look here, we made it to see 100.”  From the Women’s Suffrage March being our first public act of service, to what we have built now – how many other organizations can say the same?
How many of your lives have been touched by a member of Delta Sigma Theta?  Speaking for myself, I can proudly say that I have been – tenfold over.  And what would all of that be without giving back?  Having instrumental people in my life that were, too, apart of this Sorority helped to form my decisions and reasonings behind joining this organization.  I wanted to give back just like my Aunt Bessie and my teachers Mrs. McClelland, Mrs. Blackwell, and Ms. Ogelsby.  And they all know they have helped make me into the woman I am today.  And I do give back – I have to be a blessing to others just as I have been blessed by others.
In closing, I want to leave you with a portion of our probate:
To all of my SORORS – Happy 100 Years of Sisterhood, Scholarship and Public Service!
Love you all!
Since I’m not in DC for this day, count on seeing me in the SUMMER! YES, YES!