Inspiration, Motivation, Thoughts

2017 Declaration: I’m Focused, Man!

We all face it at times, but I’m for sure leaving behind the spirit of defeat. What are you leaving behind?

A photo posted by pRoy | Beauty & Natural Hair (@askproy) on

Instead of the typical “New Year, New Me” phrase, I made another 2017 declaration.

In the last days of 2016, I proclaimed 2017 to be the year of rebranding and rebuilding.  I feel like it’s been FOREVER since I’ve updated my blog and this year, I don’t want to go on such a long hiatus.

However, the hiatus gave me the opportunity to revisit what my vision for my blog really is.  I kinda feel like I got lost in the sauce for a minute and lost my voice.  I took so many personal hits in 2016 and felt a sense of defeat, but I KNEW I couldn’t stay THERE.

How do I get back to my core?  How do I find MY voice again?

Through some reflection and planning, I now know what it takes for me to rebuild and rebrand.  Every year I write down my goals for that year, only entertaining SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time sensitive) goals.  I don’t know WHY it weirds me out when I attain them, but man-o-man – DON’T ASK FOR WHAT YOU DON’T WANT! And be ready to receive whatever you ask for in any way, shape or form it may come to you.  The path isn’t always as straight forward as it seems, but the journey is always worth it.

And speaking of goals, I have (in the past) listed some hair goals for the year, but honestly I’m just praying that I have hair at the end of the year because I just want to cut it all off! LOL! We shall see what styles this year brings!!!

I’m ready.  I am present.  I am here.

What is your declaration for 2017?

3 thoughts on “2017 Declaration: I’m Focused, Man!

  1. You are my go-to blogger/vlogger/IG content creator since I dawned a tapered cut 2 years ago. I’ve enjoyed watching your styles evolve even though I have consistently cut over the years. I decided a few months ago to stop cutting but this week, I desperately wanted to cut so I understand your rant!
    I am looking forward to reading and seeing more from you in 2017. Don’t apologize for taking a break because they are necessary.

    For 2017 I declare to live out loud. I’m taking action. Less talking and more doing!
    Cheers 😉

    1. Valerie – thank you! Women like you are the reasons why I do what I do so I appreciate you for understanding I needed to take a step back and regroup. I hope you find much more inspiration this year.

      By the way, I love your declaration! Cheers!

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