Inspiration, Motivation

A Book a Month: January – March Reads

At the end of 2017, I challenged myself to read at least one book a month.  I am here to report that I am doing the work, guys! I’m a little ahead of what I envisioned, clocking in a whopping four books to date – woo hoo!  Reading is a form of self care for me and since it is important to me, I make time for it (just as I did during the Self Love Project 2018).

I typically reach for the self-help or self-improvement genre.  I find those resinate with me best because I love finding solutions.  Reading these types of books puts me in a “let’s go” mood and allows for deep self-reflection.  Occasionally I will reach for a fiction book just to feed my mind something different.  These books also expand my creativity and imagination.

Additionally, when I say “read” I mean listen.  It’s hard for me to sit down and read a book when I’m with the baby, so I opt for audio books.  I’m able to play them on commutes, while we make breakfast, and while she plays independently.  It’s really great hearing the author’s words in their own voice, too.

Another reason why I don’t purchase physical books is due to my minimalistic lifestyle.  That is not to say I don’t purchase physical copies (because I definitely do), but I feel it would be a clutter muck if I decided to purchase every single book I read.

When I have time to sit down to read a book, I search for it in the library first.  If I really like a book that I’ve listened to and want to own a copy, I’ll purchase it preferably second hand (but hey – I’ll pay full price if I love it enough).  The books photographed above are some of my all time favorite reaches and I love to have them with me on flights!

Books I’ve Read So Far in 2018

All of these titles come with high recommendations.

No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline by Brian Tracy

This book is incredible.  It’s very straight forward, deep in self reflection, and offers great advice on how to get what you desire in life through the art of discipline.

Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand in the Sun, and Be Your Own Person by Shonda Rhimes

I feel like I’m late to the party with this one, but it is definitely a page turner.  Shonda has a way with words and evoking emotion.  She’s very relatable and though I’m not in the Hollywood atmosphere, I understand where she was coming from in her stories.

You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

If you haven’t read her first book, You Are a Badass, do it!  This book stands alone in that you don’t have to read the first to understand this one, but it touches on similar approaches to life.  The main focus in this book is making money, but making money isn’t just about starting a business.  It’s about revamping who you are inside and then doing the work.  I feel like a total badass after reading this book.  Very awesome read!

I’m Judging You: The Do-Better Manual by Luuvie Ajayi

I just finished this and it gave me a few chuckles.  Luuvie is candid and tells it like it is, so this was a refreshing read after some serious knowledge droppers.

What I’m Currently Reading

I decided my next read (or listen) will be “The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work and Confidence with Everyday Courage” by Mel Robbins.  This was suggested by a good friend of mine and I can’t wait to dig in.

I am patiently awaiting Franchesca Ramsey’s book entitled, “Well, That Escalated Quickly”.  I’ve been following her since forever back when she was doing YouTube videos with her locs and love to see her growth.

What are you reading right now, Fam?