Inspiration, Motivation, Self Love Project

Self Love Project 2018

Finding Self Love

Four years ago, I embarked on a self love project.

For 28 days I affirmed who I was, I took a self portrait, and I pampered myself.  During the course of this project I learned a lot about my relationship with myself.  I learned how to speak life over myself, how to love myself in spite of, and how to take care of myself.  You can read how I started it here.

I also learned January is the national observance of self love, not February.  Nonetheless, I committed to the project and have been affirming over my life ever since.

2017 was a year of transformation for me.  I went from pregnancy to motherhood, I settled into a new state (location), and my mind was still recovering from 2016, coping with loss and life’s twists and turns.

Am I happy?  Absolutely!  But just like Zig Ziglar stated, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”

Starting Over

This year, I want to reboot the self love project and invite you all to join in on the action. While I don’t necessarily make resolutions each year, I do have goals I’d like to accomplish and self-care and self-love is always a must do (self love should be ongoing and not just 31 days).

Objective: To create happiness within so that it can radiate outward

I’ll be following these guidelines just I did back in 2014:

  1. Take a self portrait daily (accepting me for me – flaws and all)
  2. Daily affirming and divorcing all negative thoughts
  3. Find time for self-care every, single day
  4. Compliment someone else EVERY SINGLE DAY (because when you love yourself completely, you have no problems showing love to others)
  5. Share my affirmations with you all daily

Why Wait?

Hear me when I say, though this officially starts in January 2018, I challenge you to start your self love project today – I did!  Speak kind words to yourself.  Go for a walk.  Eat healthier at your next meal or snack.  Drink water.  Call your friends and family and tell them you love them.  Compliment someone.  Snap a picture of yourself.  Be still and embrace the moment.  Start living the life you know you deserve today!

I will make time for myself.
I will take care of myself.
I will love myself.
Will you join me in this project? I’d love to have you on board!
Use #askproyselfloveproject to tag your posts!

Daily Reflections

3 thoughts on “Self Love Project 2018

  1. I’m definitely going to continue my self love journey. It’s not a daily thing but I’m going to start today !

  2. I will join you! I have already decided that I will take a picture of myself everyday for the whole year. I am going to put one on instagram everyday. I normally run when I see a camera but not this time. I have to stare myself in the face and say ” You are beautiful and you are enough.” I have also made goals and not resolutions, there is a difference. Thanks for putting this out there for all to see. We are all on a journey and some of us like to know we are not alone!

  3. I will join you! Already building my mindset for 2018 and loving all of myself, flaws and all, I have made my goals and I’m pushing for a happy healthy, financially healthy year!! Thank you so much for being here, I currently have a blog under construction and I look to you for inspiration!

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