Self Love Project

The Self Love Project: 28 Days of Self Portraits, Affirmations, and Pampering

 I’ll admit it.
Not everyday I feel my best self.  I don’t always feel as attractive as I should.  I don’t even feel like I take care of myself as best as I should daily.
This February that is all going to change.  I am vowing to love me for me, PERIOD POINT BLANK!
Though Self Love Month is nationally observed in January (learn something new everyday, huh?), but I thought February would be just as appropriate to observe self love (it is the month for lovers).
I also thought it would be fun to participate in a self-love challenge that involved me taking a picture a day of myself (or having someone else document it through photography).  A picture says 1,000 words, yanno? And I believe that though we don’t always see growth or change, it is there.  I want to document it.  When I feel like I am beautiful, I will see the beauty in others.  Plus, I think it will be interesting and a great way to accept my flaws and all. Embracing me for me, boo!
Clearly positive daily affirmations are my thing!  Self acceptance falls into the category of affirming that “you are who you are” and I plan to make a hugeeeeeee effort to never put myself down in anyway, shape or form.  It’s all about bringing more awareness to how I am really treating myself.  When I can treat myself well, I can treat others well.
Lastly, when is the last time you have done something nice for yourself, especially when you are used to giving your all to others?  Not to take away from others by any means, but I really want to focus on making sure I am taking the best care of myself and that I am happy!  We all know when we are happy, we make others happy, too!
The whole objective is to create happiness within so that it can radiate outward.  So while I’m participating in the self-love project during February I encourage you all to join me.  It’s one thing to tell yourself that you love yourself, but when is the last time you showed yourself just how much you care?  So here’s what I’ll be doing everyday for the month of February:


  1. Taking a self portrait… no excuses!
  2. Daily affirming and divorcing all negative thoughts.  I’ll def will be using this affirmations book here.  I will also journal a lot during this time (and share my affirmations with you all, of course)!
  3. Find a way to pamper myself every, single day.  If that means indulging in a bit of chocolate or painting my toenails, meditating… or even soaking in a nice, warm bath with candles (I mean, the works people) then that’s what I will do.  The goal is to make the pamper sessions a daily exercise.
  4. I will compliment someone else EVERY SINGLE DAY.  Because when you love yourself completely, you have no problems showing love to others. 🙂
I will find time for myself.  I will make time for myself.  I will take care of myself.  I will love myself.
Will you join me in this project? I’d love to have you on board!

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