Self Love Project

Day 17: My Own Inner Mystery of Life [The Self Love Project]

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After my yoga session this morning, I sat for a minute to bring that after yoga feeling into my world today, said my prayer and read my affirmation.  It’s like clockwork, pretty much happens like that everyday.  I also read a quote or two before I start my day.

Today’s quote read something like this:

“Know the whole world is nothing when it is compared to knowing your own inner mystery of life.” Osho

I sat on that quote for a minute, looking over it frequently today.  It stood out to me… made me reflect on this whole self-love process so far.  Daily, I am coming to know myself more and more.  I am learning not just who I am but how I operate – what makes me tick.  I’m connecting with a deeper me, going through a process much of which I am unable to articulate right now, but I truly am enjoying what I am learning.  That quote reminded me that I can know how this whole universe works, but if I don’t know myself what do I truly know?  And when I say “myself” I really reference God all in the same breath.  He dwells in me, I can’t do anything without Him, so what good is it to know me without knowing Him, too?
“Everyday I am mastering the relationship I have with myself and with God.”

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