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How I Grew Out My Shaved Sides


It wasn’t that long ago I decided to grow out my shaved sides on my natural hair and I always get the question on how to grow out shaved sides.  

It ain’t (Mom, if you’re reading this I know it’s suppose to be “isn’t” but… emphasis) easy!!!

You could say it was a combination of the maintenance of the style, the reason why I shaved my sides in the first place, and the fact that I just wanted to do something different is what lead to me growing out my hair on the sides.  My shaved sides were something special (I stayed with a KILLER edge up), However, being that I was my own barber, there were times where I got really lazy with the maintenance.  And as much as I loved the style, I was tired of that look.  For two years I wore that style – a signature of sorts – but I was ready to move on to something new.  

UPDATE: Here is a video I created detailing the whole process of growing out shaved sides as well as growing out a tapered cut (my experience)

But the awkward phase… what about the awkward phase, pRoy?!

There was, indeed, an awkward phase that lasted about two – three months… maybe more like three – four months.  Either way that, just like my look, quickly changed!  I wore my hair in styles that would best suit me during the transition: twist outs, AFROS, Marley twists – endless styling options.  My hair was already long enough in the middle that I could camouflage my sides in no time.  I have a few listed down below and you can click on the pictures for the tutorials/posts (if available):

Bantu Knot Out

Straight Hair with Soft Curls

Top Knot Bun *Quick, Easy, Under 2 mins*

Marley Twistsmarley-twists-updo-askproy

Revamped Twist Out IMG_7504

Easy Curls aka Twist and CurlIMG_7547

Twist out Turned AfroIMG_7575


Cool UpDo with a Flair

Marley Bun with French Braid

Faux Tapered Cut

Curly Fro
IMG_7726Twist Out on Natural Hair


Flowers in My HairIMG_8551

Xpress Your Kinks Protective Style


‘Fro Hawk

Three Strand Twist Out

French Braid with Marley Hair

Pin Up Styles

Wearing a Hat on my Natural Hair

On most days I didn’t even bother with my sides – no styling, no tugging: I just let them grow out unbothered.  I figured the less I stressed about my sides, the more they would prosper.  If you do decide to wear protective styles such as twists or braids and you have enough hair on the sides to grip for those styles, be careful around your edges.  Protect them so that they can be there for you during this growth process.  You want those in tact.


Eventually, my sides grew out to a length where I was comfortable creating a tapered look on myself (yes to the bathroom beautician)!  Currently, I am rocking/growing out this look and am approaching another “awkward stage” but it’s definitely easier than from growing from nothing to something.  You can find more awkward stage hairstyles here.

Bottom line: I know a lot of you get discouraged during the growing phase, but tough it out.  My biggest advice is to not get caught up on how it’s “suppose” to look and just do your own thing.  Slicked edges aren’t the only way you have to wear your hair to look magical and beautiful.


Accept your growth in the phase that’s it’s in and just let it be. I just wanted to show you that when you make bold moves with your hair there is still a light at the end of the tunnel. Have fun with your hair and remember: it grows back! Be happy, be patient, be confident – be you!

If you’ve had shaved sides, how did you grow out your hairstyle?

Additional Reading:
How To Grow a Tapered Cut
Awkward Stage Hairstyles for Short Natural Hair

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