Hair Care, Natural Hair, Tutorial, Video

Moisturizing Twist Out with Obia Natural Haircare

IMG_5354I am no stranger to Obia Natural Haircare and their awesomeness in containers known as their products.  If you have been following me for a while, you know I use them in my regimen HEAVILY and guess what?! I’ve found some new products to add to the list.  A couple of weeks ago, I achieved one of the most moisturizing twist out styles I have ever achieved on my natural hair.

Considering I have color treated natural hair, it is so important for me to have moisturized hair at all times.  With that being said, I know for facts only that I didn’t have to apply extra moisture to my hair for days.  I used the Coconut Shea Shampoo Bar – see how I maximize usage below:

I also used the Babassu Deep Conditioner, Curl Moisture Cream Leave-In, and the Twist Whip Butter – perfect combo!

Excited about how rich in moisture my hair was, I had to share with you guys.  I detailed my styling process in this video:

In total, I had 24 twists – 4 flat twists and 20 two strand twists.  It cut down on my drying time so much and also on my styling time.  Once I took down the twists, I separated, fluffed, and shaped my hair into a beautiful style.

Static Pictorial Obia

What products do you use for a moisture rich twist out?

4 thoughts on “Moisturizing Twist Out with Obia Natural Haircare

  1. I would love to try Obia Natural haircare products, but I cannot handle the coconut and coconut derived ingredients in all of these products. I have put them in my hair and my scalp…smh There just not for me *tear*
    I love this style!!

      1. Yeah, it’s a doozy. I noticed everything has coconut in it. Outside of what I have to make myself, Jane Carter’s Revitalizing conditioner, and Acure Organics Repairing conditioner. I like those very much, I have recently tried Creme of Nature’s Intensive Conditioning Treatment. That has plenty of coconut/derived but I have to wash it out so it’s all good. However I need a change, I feel like what I hand-make is not enough, got some reevaluating to do xP. I’m wondering if I am over thinking it but I tested some products and they all did the same thing; cause irritation to the scalp.

      2. oh also when I said *these* products I meant products that many naturals use (Carol’s Daughter, Miss Jessie, Camille Rose, etc). Sorry if I mixed ya up there .__.

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