Hair Care, Natural Hair, Tutorial, Video, YouTube

How I Trim My Natural Hair (Tapered Shape)


I don’t make it a habit of cutting my natural hair – wait, who am I kidding?! Almost two years ago I cut my hair into a tapered cut all by myself and maintained it by getting a touch up when I got my hair colored.  I really love the shape of my hair and though I’m not really growing my hair out per se (I’m just letting it be) it is growing longer and subsequently out of shape.

A photo posted by pRoy (@askproy) on

I decided to shape it up a few weeks ago after seeing how my hair looked in my wash and go.  I hated it so much so I had to do something about it (I know you will ask me about this hair color, so you can find out about it here) I posted a video of the process on my YouTube channel (even more reason to subscribe if you haven’t – you’re missing out on all the good stuff!):

In the video, you can see I used the following tools to complete the cut/trim:
Q Redew Hair Steamer (I have a video on how to use that here)
A Pick
Shears (I got them from Sally’s Beauty)

I used the steamer to stretch my hair without heat.  You can learn how to do that process more in-depth here.  So that it doesn’t revert back to curly during this process, I twist each section of hair after steaming.  Once I am finished with each section, I pick out each section to create the ultimate fro!  I try my best not to shape it while I’m picking it out so that I can see how it looks in its raw form and then I use my shears to clean up the ends of my hair that are visibly crappy.

Then, starting at the nape of my neck, I section off my hair row by row and clip the ends.  I don’t take much off the ends, just what is necessary to clean up any knots or tangles I may have.  Afterwards, I pick my hair out again and start to shape it.  It’s pretty random (as you can see in the video), but it works for me.  I won’t lie to you guys, it’s kinda hard to get the back area of hair.  It normally takes me a while to get it how I like it there.

After washing my hair thoroughly and styling it, I clip away any hairs that don’t lay right and voila!

Maintaining a shape isn’t easy, but it is absolutely necessary for me as I like for my hair to look/fall a certain way.  If you are interested in getting a tapered cut any time soon, check out this post.  If you’re uncertain and want to experiment with a tapered look, try this faux tapered cut style.
