Hair Care, Natural Hair, Tutorial, Video, YouTube

Deep Conditioning on Dry Natural Hair


Deep conditioning on dry natural hair isn’t the norm for me, but I’ve come to enjoy its results.  If you’ve been following me for a while or have taken a peek at my natural hair regimen (which I will update soon), you are aware that I love to deep condition my natural hair at least once a week.  But what happens when you’re busy with any and everything and you neglect your hair to the point where you KNOW it needs some extra TLC but you still don’t have the time… whatever, whatever… I just decided to go straight into the deep conditioning session.

“Well pRoy, is it better to deep condition on dry hair vs. wet hair?”

I typically deep condition my hair when it’s wet, but I have DC’d when my hair was dry, too.   While I think a lot of it has to do with preference (no one is better than the other), for it to be effective there are quite a few variables to consider.  I do believe that dry hair is like a sponge that is able to absorb moisture.  If your hair is too dirty and coated with waxes and butters, then this won’t be as effective.  However, if you’re using light products that are water-soluble, this process can be effective.  Another factor could be porosity.  Those with low porosity hair may benefit from this more so than those with medium to high porosity.  But really it boils down to this: IT JUST DEPENDS ON WHAT YOUR HAIR LIKES and you may never know until you try.

Now, I don’t do this often.  In fact, I have only done this method a few times before, but I find it to be effective because I already have a healthy hair routine under my belt.  Therefore, I don’t have to rely upon this method to GET my hair in tip-top condition (just an enhancement option for me – kinda like pre-poo or hot oil treatments).  And though I may miss out on a wash or two, I don’t make it a habit to justify skipping them because I know I can do this.  I do this because I want to take preventative measures in making sure that the moisture that I adore remains there.

And if that paragraph was mumbo-jumbo to you, just read: I don’t do this often, but I like the results when I do it so I’m showing you guys what I do and how I do it. 🙂

You can see the whole process here:

What You’ll Need:
Deep Conditioner of Your Choice
Hooded Dryer or Steamer

Additional Products I Used:


For this particular deep conditioning treatment, I used the Kurlee Belle Banana Nut & Avocado Deep Conditioner (full review on this product here).  I applied that all over and throughout my DRY NATURAL HAIR.


I then followed up with a heating session using my fairly new Softwood by Hairflair.  I purchased it from Sally’s Beauty for about $20 and it is portable and hand washable.  It also attaches to a blow dryer – any one will do but I use the Conair something something… it’s so old and wretched that I don’t know what model it is.  I believe I purchased it from Target or Walmart some years ago (10+ years maybe?).

About 15-20 minutes later, I washed out the deep conditioner with the Kurlee Belle Almond and Shea Butter Moisturizing Shampoo, applied some Giovanni 2 Chic Repairing Conditioner (which I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE) and used the Kurlee Belle Thirsty Kurls Leave-In Conditioner.  I twisted my hair with the Kurlee Belle Kurl Defining Creme.  CLEARLY I was in a Kurlee Belle mood – LOL!

The results?  An amazingggggggly soft mane.  My hair is not mushy soft, but it is very well moisturized and I have great volume.  I haven’t had to moisturize my hair in 5 days so that says something there, right?

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Now I’ve got to get my color poppin’ because this here dusty purple/pink/blue? It ain’t working for me!  See how I preserve my color here.


1 thought on “Deep Conditioning on Dry Natural Hair

  1. Just stumbled onto one of your you tube videos, which led me to your site! I love your hair it’s amazing. I’ve been natural since 2012 and I’m still trying to find my way. I sometime have great moments with my hair and other times goodness! I’ve been thinking about cutting my hair to the style you have now but I’m still on the fence. Anyway thanks for the tips. Oh I also noticed that we have 2 things in common! HBCU grad & our wonderful Sorority! Enjoy your day!

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