
Hey, take your trash with you!

I see a colleague of mine after a long weekend and I ask him how he is doing.  He tells me everything that has gone wrong in his life, including issues he had 19 months ago.  After hearing all those problems and complications he has had with life, I’m speechless.  By the time he asks me the same question, I am in such disgust from listening to his trauma and drama, that I just want out.  “I’m fine, couldn’t be better.”

What ever happened to optimism?…

The glass is half full?…  I could be dead and gone… sleeping in my grave, but the Lord kept me here to see another day?  I mean, I’m not asking for a sermon when you see me, but I don’t want to hear about your colonoscopy you just had, either.  I just cannot fathom why people think it is okay to dump their problems on you.  People wonder why I walk around looking like I don’t want to be bothered, and it’s not that I don’t want to be bothered, but I don’t want you to dump your problems on me.

If I ask you how you are, just give me a simple “I’m okay” or “I’m not feeling too well today”.  If I want to know more, I’ll inquire.  I’m pretty good with reading body language.  For the most part, I can tell if something is bothering you.  But please, just give me the option to ask you what’s wrong before you decide to give me every ailment your mom, cousins, uncle and grandma are facing. #TMI

Oh, and if you want to share something, give me some positivity.  I’d love to hear about your recent graduation, or your new puppy, or even the great book you just finished reading.  Just don’t try to kill my mood with so many sad stories back, to back, to back…

Has this ever happened to you?  How do you handle those types of situations?

2 thoughts on “Hey, take your trash with you!

  1. Let me say that I am allergic to negativity. Surrounding yourself with positive people alone enhances your day. Not saying those going through things don’t don’t need love, but there’s no need to go all kanye with the pity parties inviting all innocent bystanders. Word of advice to the chosen ones, keep your head up….Jesus ain’t through with you yet.

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