Hair Care, Natural Hair, Tutorial, Video

Awkward Stage Hair Styles for Natural Hair | Tapered Cut

Looking for a hairstyle that will help you get through the awkward stage of natural hair growth? Currently wearing your hair in a tapered cut and want to grow it out? Maybe you want to keep your tapered fro for a while and need style inspiration… yea?

Styles that I’ve created so far can be found in this interactive video.  For my mobile users, I have included the links to all of the videos in the description box so please check there for more information!  Don’t fret – more styles are on the way!

Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates!

As I stated in my 2015 Hair Goals, I would like to grow my hair through the awkward stage and provide inspiration for those of you who are along the journey, too.  It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut or want to cut the hair off because of the awkwardness, but my hopes are to make it through that stage without much issue.  Do you think I can do it?  I really am banking on it!

It’s crazy that when I look back and see all the styles I did I just … wow.  Some of them I didn’t make a video for but I do plan on making one in the future.  I’ll stick some of the pics below to help me remember:

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A lot of these are variations of the same style, but I will try my best to get around to them all via a video tutorial!  More natural hair styles:


1 thought on “Awkward Stage Hair Styles for Natural Hair | Tapered Cut

  1. That awkward phase is the worst. I did big chop #23950 (heat damage) two years ago and then cut it again a year later into a tapered cut because I was tired of the mid-length. My hair is not long (collarbone length) but not short enough to stick up and be funky anymore either. Trying to stick it out by doing a lot of updos while the back grows/catches up with the longer top. Sigh. lol

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