Self Love Project

Self Love Project 2018 | Day 14

Today’s Affirmation

All is well right now.

Today started off a little chaotic.

There were a million and one things waiting for me to complete.  Wanting my husband to take some of the stress off my plate, I began to ask for his assistance.

However, I knew I wasn’t being an effective communicator when I blew up out of frustration from having to repeat myself.  I had to take a step back, breathe, and find the words I wanted to use to accurately communicate my feelings in that moment.

Regaining Control by Letting Go

Once I checked myself and got out of my head, it was back to conquering the “to-do” list.  As much as I didn’t want to do some of the items listed and had slight anxiety while thinking about them, I had to remember to be in the moment. Worrying about the next task would only cause me more anxiety.  Rather, I focused on what was in front of me and completed it as best I could.

After acknowledging my thoughts, I regained control over the situation by letting them go and focusing on what was happening in the moment. I affirmed, “all is well right now” after each completed task, checked it off, and focused on the next one.

As simple and as straightforward as that sounds, it can be hard to get out of your own head.  When you stop overthinking and do what needs to be done in the moment, you let go of the stress and anxiety you may have because of it.

All is Well Right Now

Now, I have a sleeping baby on my chest and sleeping dogs at my feet.

Laundry is folded and put away (the last load is in the dryer and will soon be done).

All the meals are prepped for the next couple of days, grocery shopping is done, and the dishes are washed and put away.

And as I wrap up this post, I will watch a movie with hubby and just relax.

I’ll worry about whatever needs my focus tomorrow, but for now: it’s me time.

All is well right now.

For an awesome, self-reflecting question, check out #askpRoyQOTD on Facebook and Twitter!

Wanna join the Self Love Project?

Start here: Self Love Project 2018

Read my ‘Day 14’ post from Self Love Project 2014