Self Love Project

Self Love Project 2018 | Day 15

You ever been drawn to someone just because you feel in your spirit they are a good person?  You may see how they carry themselves and you can’t help but to want to be around them.  They may even inspire you to be better and do better.

Energies are real, fam.

Today’s Affirmation

What I’m learning through this self love project is that when you speak life into yourself, you speak life into others.  I encourage others by encouraging myself.  As inadvertent as the act seems, it makes so much sense.  People can be inspired by the way you live and the words you speak.

Not Perfect, But Relatable

I am no way, shape, or form a perfect person.  There are areas in my life in which I could improve.  There are times when I look back on decisions and see that I could have chosen another path, but I give myself grace to live freely.

We all go through situations and sometimes may feel as if we are the only ones going through the pits; the valley.  I realize by sharing adversities I face, I am showing individuals that I, too, go through difficult times and I made it through (and you can, too)!  That’s what makes my life experiences relatable even if they are not the exact same as anyone else’s.

Encourage Yourself

Everyday I encourage myself to become a better me.  By encouraging myself I know that I don’t have to rely on anyone else to do that for me.  I choose to learn from my past and live in the present.

If you don’t do anything else today: encourage yourself, love yourself, and be gentle with yourself.

And if you can, share your story; your testimony.  Let others know that “yea, this can happen, but look at me now”!

Self Care

I wanna wash this mane tonight – wish me luck!

For an awesome, self-reflecting question, check out #askpRoyQOTD on Facebook and Twitter!

Wanna join the Self Love Project?

Start here: Self Love Project 2018

Read my ‘Day 15’ post from Self Love Project 2014